Thursday, January 2, 2014


Craziest week of my life!!! I feel like I just finished the first week of my mission all over again. This past week has been absolutely insane and so great at the same time.

Last Monday was quite the emotional day ha ha. We had a great day seeing members and playing at the church, but man it was so hard to say goodbye, especially to the young women in the branch. They are the best! 

Packing is no fun. I didn't think that I had collected all that much stuff these past six months, but zipping up my suitcases was a little harder than I remember.....oops.

Tuesday morning we headed out around 5:30am and headed for Manchester. Transfer meetings are a little nerve wracking if ya know what I mean. I was assigned to Saco Maine! I made it to the coast! Woot Woot! My new companion is Sister Cowley and she is great! We served in the same district my first transfer in Vermont, so we had been on exchanges before. We technically live in Biddeford. We live on Main Street...hence the subject line Main in Maine ha ha(thanks Mom that was a good one).

The work here is booming! I love it! It is so so so so so different than Vermont. I'm not used to seeing people and cars.....and shopping!!!! I kind of miss all the cows. I even put away my big winter coat for the week because it was so much warmer here, and there was no snow.

My second day here we were walking back from a less active members home when three cops go running past us. Ha ha yep, we walked through a police chase. Don't worry Mom, I have my pepper spray.....always. That wasn't quite the welcome I was hoping to get coming into this new area, but hey at least it's a good journal entry. I guess some guy had robbed 9 stores and so they put the town on lock down. Good news is is that they found him.

We have awesome investigators here and it has been so fun to meet them. I am so excited that I get to be in this area and see the progression they are making.

The ward here is the bomb! They are very missionary minded and are excited to do the work.

We had a Relief Society activity on Saturday and it was a hit. We had lunch and made Christmas crafts. Sis. Smith from the ward invited her nonmember friend and her friend came and brought her daughter and they both had a great time.

Sunday was quite the day. I was quite overwhelmed with all the information that I have been trying to soak in all through the week so my brain and my spirits were a little fried. President and Sister Hawkes from the mission presidency decided to visit our ward that day. They asked if they could meet with us after church. What a meeting that was. We talked about the area and how the work was going here. He then asked how we were doing. Being the prideful person that I am I tried to say that I was doing ok and that I was adjusting to the area. I had been considering asking for a priesthood blessing that day, but kept talking myself out of it. God knew that I was too stubborn to ask for a blessing when it was something that I really needed so at the end of our meeting with President Hawkes asked if either of us wanted a blessing. The blessing I then received was one of the most spiritual experiences that I have had. You might be wondering why I'm sharing this experience, but from this experience my testimony was greatly strengthened. I was blown away with how much God loves us individually and truly cares for our well-being. He sent someone there, that day to help me when I needed it most. It's interesting how God allows us to feel so low and then shoots us upward a million times higher than we've ever been. I absolutely know that God knows us as individuals and that He knows everything that we need and knows exactly how we feel, and that He truly cares. What a great blessing it is to have a knowledge that we have a Father in Heaven.

I absolutely love this Gospel and I love being a missionary. What better time than now to be a missionary than when the work is truly hastening, and during this Christmas season! I love you all so much and wish you so much happiness during this CHRISTmas season!

Have a great week and stay warm.

Sister Dixon

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