Monday, July 29, 2013


Interesting week in Vermont!  This week was not the typical week for us.  On Monday we headed down to a town called Lemoile.  Sister Deters had a training meeting on Tuesday in Manchester so I got to go on exchange with Sister Kotter who was one of my MTC companions!  It was so great to be back with her for the night and the next day.  Wednesday we had an appointment scheduled with our Girl Scout friend, and she wanted to meet us at the library.  So we sat there for a good half hour and then she called the library and said she felt bad for making us wait all the time, but that she didn't have time to meet with us.  So we're really hoping that we'll be able to get the chance to talk to her again.  Our other investigator wasn't home, so we were a little bummed!  But we had a great lesson with Sally who lives down the road from us.  She has had quite a few missionaries through the years, but we are the first Sisters, so I think we've got this in the bag.... ;)  She is great though and she has a very strong belief in God.  The fourth of July was HOT!  We spent a lot of the day at Bella and Sara's home helping them and doing service, and we got to watch the parade in Derby.  We stopped by the Stevens home later that night to see how they were doing.  They had all the family over and were singing and playing on their guitars so it was a lot of fun to be with them.  This family is absolutely incredible.  The mom has been fighting cancer for the last 9 years I think, and the past two weeks her condition deteriorated rapidly.  It has been really hard seeing her suffer and seeing how hard it is on her children.  I have never seen such a strong and loving family though.  On Friday we had a really neat experience with a less active member in the ward.  We stopped by their home and were able to have a really great discussion with him.  He has had a hard time feeling his purpose in life, but we bore strong testimony of how the gospel gives us purpose and how the Book of Mormon can help him overcome his challenges.  His wife (who is active in the church) was a great help in the lesson because she is very straight to the point with him.  We are having dinner with them this week and he is allowing us to teach him the lessons!  I am sure excited about that!  Saturday we went to Hanover for our meet and greet.  We got to meet the new mission president, President Stoker!  It was great!  He and his wife are incredible and I am very excited to have them leading this mission.  He basically said that we are getting rid of tracting, which is WONDERFUL!!!!  Knocking doors.....rarely successful.  We aren't getting rid of it completely, but he wants it to be an absolute last resort, which is great with me.  He is hoping with all the new technology advances in missionary work that we will be able to find people to teach much more effectively that way.  It will be exciting to see how missionary work changes!  We had a great lesson with Dale and Mariah and they came to church on Sunday so it was great.  They are so fun to be around and we love teaching them.  If they keep going the way they're going they will definitely make it to their goal of a temple sealing, which is AWESOME!  We've got a good week lined up here in the beautiful state of Vermont!  I hope all is well at home!  I love you all and I hope "You're all set" ...a common Vermont'll be getting a lot of these, I'm catching on real well.    Oh um last thing!  I can't believe I forgot.  I"M GOING TO THE JOSEPH SMITH MEMORIAL!  So girls camp is this week and we got permission from the mission president to go for the last night, which is the testimony/devotional night.  Our Branch President is driving us down on Friday.  I AM SO EXCITED!  ...anywho that is what I have to look forward to this week!  oh I guess I forgot one other thing... ha ha ha the purpose behind the subject line.  So it's pretty humid out here and despite the rain it is still pretty hot.  We don't have AC in our apartment which is loads of fun.  My nifty alarm clock has a temperature thing on it and we were sitting and doing our nightly planning and we were both just sweating like crazy so I went and checked the clock and it said it was 88 degrees in our apartment!  WOHOO. 

I count my sweat as my showers and take Whitney's advice and just towel off ha ha ha...but seriously.  I think I'll buy a fan today :) 
I'm sharing the advice from the mission and encouraging you all to write down a miracle you see everyday!  I promise you it is great, and you see them a lot more frequently when you do!

I love you all!

Sister Dixon

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