Monday, July 29, 2013

WEEK 1- Oh Happy Day

Oh man time is really flying by here at the MTC.  We are already half way through our MTC stay! CRAZY!  This week has by far been the hardest week of my life, in every sense of the word; but I know it won't be the hardest thing I do in life.  It's been an emotional roller coaster!  But oh man Heavenly Father loves us!  Every day when I feel discouraged, inadequate and that all hope is lost he blesses us with miracles.  I have not been here a single day without experiencing a miracle of some sort.  First off I'll tell you about my incredible district!!!  We have seven Sisters and five Elders in our district.  All the sisters are going to NH and all the Elders are going to Portland Oregon.  When we first got here everyone said that your district would become your family and that you would grow super close to them.  Not going to lie I had my doubts!  But I was wrong!  I LOVE MY DISTRICT.  We have had so many incredible, spiritual, learning experiences together and we all help build each other’s testimonies and encourage each other.  I know for a fact that I am in the best district here.  I'll give you all a little break down of life in the MTC.  Wake up at 6 for gym time!   Personal study for an hour, breakfast and then class for three hours.  We then usually do some sort of teaching for an hour or so and then have lunch.  Then back to class for three hours where we do A LOT of role playing...which I have grown to love.  Then we usually teach some more have some dinner, have companion study, and plan for the next day....Repeat.  Of course it varies a little everyday but that’s the general idea....  It took a lot of getting used to being inside a classroom all day, but I can't even explain how much I have learned already.  I'll tell you a little about my companions Sister Bowns and Sister Kotter.  Sister Bowns is from Orem and is 21 years old. Sister Kotter is our youngin from Layton and she is 19.  They are both incredible!!!! We have gotten along really well as companions and I am so grateful that I have been able to be in such a great companionship.  We also have some incredible teachers here at the MTC.  The thing I have learned the most this week is that you have to teach by the Spirit.  There is no way this work would be possible without it.  They focus so hard on teaching us to focus on the investigator and their needs and to love them, and to teach people rather than lessons.  This means that you basically go into a lesson with a lesson idea planned out, but then totally follow the Spirit and the direction that it leads you.  This is a little stressful for me because I kinda like to plan, and know how things are going to go, but that is not possible here ha ha ha.  We have had some really neat experiences when we follow the Spirit and our minds are enlightened to the things we should say and the way we should direct the lesson, but we have also had some not so great lessons where we just don't know where we're going.  We are teaching three investigators right now.  Melanie, John and Jose.  All three of them have very different needs and it has been really cool to see how they progress through the lessons.  We don't have much time to email, but I wanted to share a few of the 'miracles' I have seen throughout this week.  The first one was when we were role playing and me and Sister Bowns were the missionaries, and Sister Kotter was the investigator.  I don't even remember what they were having us role play, but I do remember how I was just scared out of my mind.  I had no idea what I was going to say and my mind was just racing.  Sister Bowns is an incredible teacher and just had the lesson flowing so well, then she paused and waited for me to chip in, and my mind was completely blank.  It felt like an eternity as I sat there trying to think of something to say!  Finally the thought popped into my head to open my mouth and it will be filled.  I had no idea what I was going to say, but I opened my mouth and started talking and in that very moment it was filled.  The Spirit was so strong, and my testimony of that principle grew so much.  One more quick kinda similar story.  So it was with one of the Elders in our district who is really great, but he also has a really hard time talking in lessons.  He just freezes up and doesn't know quite what to do.  The teacher asked him to be his companion for a role play, as they 'taught' Sister Kotter.  I'm pretty sure we, as a district, were all praying for this Elder.  Our teacher started off the role play and got the ball rolling.  Sister Kotter, who was Paula in the role play asked a question to the missionaries and our teacher left it up to the Elder to answer.  He sat there for a few seconds and then boldly he said "Because it's true!" BAM the Spirit filled the room so fast. What an incredible experience that was!  So moral of the story is, it doesn't matter the amout of teaching experience, confidence, level of ability you have to teach a lesson, it is ALL THE SPIRIT.  Well I really am running short on time and I wish I would have been able to grab my journal before we did emails because I had a lot more in there that I have been writing down, but we came straight from the temple.  Oh and the temple was GREAT.  I am really going to miss going for the next 18 months, but oh it will all be worth it!  I am so grateful to be here and to be a missionary.  I just want to bear my testimony that I know that this is where I am supposed to be.  I know that Heavenly Father is listening and answering my prayers.  He is completely and perfectly aware of our circumstances and our struggles, and he loves us unconditionally.  I know this church is true and I am so grateful for all the experiences I have had this week that has increased my testimony so much!  I love you all so so so so so much and miss you.  Onward and upward friends and family!  I love you all!

Sister Dixon!   :) :) :)

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