Monday, July 29, 2013


Welcome to.........VERMONT!  Ya it's pretty great out here.  I live in Orleans, which is a little tiny itty bitty town...there isn't even a WalMart.  We are right by the Canadian border.  We got to NH on Monday later in the evening.  One of my suitcases...along with twelve other missionaries didn't quite make the second flight so we had to wait a little bit to get it figured out for them to send them to the mission home.  We went to the mission home for dinner and some orientation things.  I don't really remember anything that was said because I was SO TIRED.  But President and Sister Wilkey are so great!  I was able to meet with Pres. Wilkey for an interview and it was such an incredible experience. 

Oh and kinda cool story from the second plane ride.  So the first flight all these missionaries were just going to work talking to the people around them about the gospel and I was thinking to myself 'man why can't I do that?'  So I decided to push myself to do it on the second flight.  Our second plane was a lot smaller than the first one.  There were only two per row and one isle way thing, and more than half the plane was missionaries. seat wasn't next to another missionary, it was next to a man named Thomas.  He had his headphones in when I sat down so I was just thinkin that I was out of luck.  I prayed that I would just be able to talk to him.  A minute or two later he took out his headphones, and BAM the rest is history.  We were able to talk for a good half hour.  It was pretty neat.  He is a great guy and loves his family, so it was really easy to talk to him about the gospel and he was really open to listening.  I even gave him a Book of Mormon!  Ya the Lord definitely works in mysterious ways.  Who knows if he'll ever read it, but at least he has it.  Back to NH ha ha so after our orientation most of the missionaries stayed at the mission home but me and another sister went and stayed with missionaries in the Bedford area.  The next day was the transfer meeting.  I was beyond nervous and anxious to find out who my companion would be and where I would be serving.  I was assigned to serve with Sister Deters.  She is from Malta Idaho and has been out a little over 7 months.   We are opening the area of Newport.  There haven't been sisters in this area for MANY years, so we are pretty excited about that!  This week has been pretty crazy with organizing and getting everything put together for the area.  We are still just trying to figure out who everyone is.  I do have to say that our branch is AMAZING!!! I love all the members so much already.  They are very humble people and are just wonderful.  The members and the Elders who are also serving in this area got an apartment situated and furnished for us in the upstairs of a cute old home.  We haven't been able to do a lot of teaching yet since we are organizing and mapping out where everyone is.  We were able to meet with a less active member who lives down the road from us, her name is Illene.  She is a sweet old lady, but just doesn't have the ability to get out much so we had a nice little lesson with her.  She loves the missionaries.  On Thursday we left the apartment around 5pm to head to Manchester for our new missionary training.  We picked up sisters in Lyndon and dropped them off at another sisters apartment and then we drove to manchester.  We got in around 1030pm so it was a lot of driving.  The next morning we went to the training and it was awesome!  I'm really going to miss the Wilkeys but I am super excited to meet the Stockers.  That night we drove back to VT and stopped at McDonalds.  We went inside and one of the employees was on break and sitting at a table eating.  She asked if we were missionaries, and she told us she joined the church a year ago and just moved here and was wondering where a church building was that she could go to.  We got her number so we could let her know the closest church building in her area.  It's pretty cool how the Lord puts people in your path.  On Saturday we had our weekly planning which took ALL DAY! Finally I suggested we take a break and go and visit someone.  We saw on the branch directory that there was a member in a nursing home so we went and visited with her for a little while.  She was happy to see us.  Sunday was WONDERFUL.  We had church at ten and me, my companion, and the new elder in this area were asked to bear our testimony in Sacrament meeting.  This branch absolutely loves the missionaries and are so excited to have sisters serving here now.  The missionary broadcast was so great.  I am so motivated and excited to be a missionary.  This is definitely the hardest work I have done even though it's only been a week.  The Lord is in this work and is preparing people to hear the gospel.  I can't wait to get going on teaching!  There are so many people that are ready to accept the gospel, we just have to find them, and the members are the best way to do it.  We have 3 dinners set up this week so that will be great, and 3 lessons planned for today!  I hope all of them go through!  Many people have referred to the first week out here as zombie week, so hopefully I will be able to understand a little better what in the world I am doing ha ha ha.  I am so happy where I am and I know that Heavenly Father is watching over us!  I love you all!

Sister Dixon

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