Monday, July 29, 2013


This week has been great!  So many wonderful miracles!  We'll start at the beginning.  So Monday night we ended our Pday early so we could go and see the Dicksons.  They are from St. George, but come out to VT every summer.  They wanted us to come and have dinner with them at their 'camp' on Lake Willoughby.  Her sister was coming that day, so she really wanted us to come out and have dinner with them because she is inactive.  We could tell that her sister wasn't too thrilled that we were there, but she was really nice and made a delicious dinner.  We had a lesson planned out, but time ran out really quickly and we only had about ten minutes until we had to go to our next appointment.  So we quickly changed our lesson plans and Sister Deters did a quick object lesson.  We then each shared a scripture and the spirit was really working on 'Aunt Blythe' .  You could see in her eyes how the spirit was touching her heart.  The atmosphere completely changed.  It was pretty neat to experience.  We then headed to Bella and Sara's home. Bella is less-active and Sara (who is 13) was baptized a year and a half ago.  We didn't know, but they were planning on eating with us too, so they had pizza for us!  Hooray for two dinners!!!  We talked to them for quite a while and just got to know them.  They are both so incredible and I love being around them.  They have been through a lot and are just trying to stay strong.  Again, we had a great spiritual experience.  We shared different insights and scriptures and the spirit was definitely present. 

Our district meeting this week was on the First Vision.  I have really come to love the account of the first vision.  Nothing brings the spirit as quickly and powerfully as quoting it directly in the words of Joseph Smith.  So later that day we were going to one of our teaching appointments and she was outside pushing her daughter in her stroller.  We started talking to her outside because she said her house was way too hot.  We got on the subject of Joseph Smith and of course that is the perfect transition to the first vision.  But because Satan knows the power of that account, he was doing everything he could to distract from us getting to share it.  Right before I was going to share the account a man pulled up in a truck and asked if she had any pliers....random.  So then he got back in his truck and drove away.  We got back on track and the moment I started to share the first vision, the entire atmosphere completely!  It was incredible.  Everything outside was silent and it was as if time stood still while I spoke.  I felt so strongly that the Lord was working through me.  I bore testimony of Joseph Smith and that he did see God the Father and Jesus Christ, and man it felt so good!  After she said 'so I just need to read the book' (referring to the Book of Mormon) and we were so excited we were like YES!  Everything is in this book!  We are meeting with her again this week!

A super nice lady from the ward had us over for dinner.  She has been widowed for a few years and she is just incredible, and has quite the conversion story.  She went all out with setting the Grand America status, but so much better!  We talked and visited for hours.  She is a little lonely so I think it was good for her to be able to talk for a while.

One more fun miracle for the week.  We had spent ALL DAY doing weekly planning again, in efforts to try and get this area figured out.  So it was about 745 and we had not even been able to leave the apartment all day so we decided to go around town, which isn't very big, and do some tracting.  We weren't having much success.  It was almost time for us to be back in our apartment so we were making our way back and there was a lady standing on the corner with her dog.  It was kind of odd that she was just standing there.  We started to walk across the street to where she was standing....this is usually when people run away, but she stood there and waited.  It was pretty funny, the first thing she said to us was 'So are you Girl Scouts?'(the reason behind my subject line...Whitney will understand)  We thought that was pretty funny, then she confused us with the Jehovah's Witnesses, who are in full force here.  We got her all straightened out.  She had SO MANY great questions and was really curious and interested in what we had to say.  We also are meeting with her again this week!

The new mission president has arrived!  We have a lot to look forward to with how much the work is hastening.  I LOVE THIS WORK!  It truly is the Lord's work and He is the reason for our success here. 

Much love,
Sister Dixon

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