Monday, August 4, 2014


Week six already! Another transfer has flown by. I only have three transfers left! GROSS!
We had a great week this last week!
Tuesday we had an awesome lesson with Eddie and Susie. We taught about prophets and at the end of the lesson we asked if one of them would conclude our discussion with prayer. Susie prayed! This was the first time that either of them agreed to pray vocally at the end of the lesson. The Spirit was SO strong as Susie prayed. It was amazing! We have dinner with them tonight which I am super excited about. I love them so much!

Wednesday we had an awesome district meeting. It was one of my favorite district meetings that I've ever been to. After district meeting we had an incredible lesson with Raychel. It was one of the best lessons Sister Danner and I have ever had. The Spirit was super strong and it was so evident that the Spirit was guiding not only our words but our entire conversation. We decided to spoil ourselves for dinner that night and went to a little joint that I've been wanting to go to ever since I got to Dover.....Pictures will follow.

Thursday we experienced a few more miracles. The first one was with being inspired to see some former investigators. We only had a few more minutes until we went in for the night and we stopped at their home. They were very excited to see us. They said that they had been having a bit of a hard time the past few weeks and really felt like people don't care about them, and then we showed up! So they felt that God had sent us there that night. The next miracle of that day was with our miles. Thursday was the last day of the month and we were super short on miles. We pulled into home and we had 2 miles to spare!

Friday we had an awesome weekly planning session. Normally we never get it finished in time and we end up having to finish it on Saturday or Sunday. We were able to finish it all on Friday and we planned for a stellar week! It will be exciting to see what comes from the plans we made for this week.

Saturday was an interesting day. All our plans were falling through. We felt like we needed to head over to Dover, but nothing super miraculous happened while we were there. That night we had a pretty intense lesson with some of our new investigators. We walked in and they had a friend there too. At first I was thinking "oh sweet! we can teach them too" but then I realized he wanted to teach us. It actually ended up being a great opportunity for me and Sister Danner to bear our testimonies and how we gained them. Although they had a lot of objections it was awesome for us. This moves us nicely into Sunday. They came to church! As you know this Sunday was the first Sunday of the month which means fast and testimony meeting. Yup two of our visitors got up and bore their testimonies. We missionaries and Pres. Clukey were praying so hard the entire time hoping that they wouldn't say anything too crazy. Ha ha ha it was probably the craziest Sacrament Meeting I've ever attended. It made the journal, that's for sure! After Sacrament meeting the branch swarmed our visitors and made them feel super welcomed to the branch. They were short on primary teachers so they asked if Sister Danner and I could teach. Sacrament Meeting went super over time so by the time all the kids got in the class there was only about 15 minutes left. They didn't give us anything specific to teach, so we tried to relate a game to the gospel. We played one of Sister Danner's childhood favorites, Doggie Doggie Who's Got Your Bone? Ya, we couldn't quite find a link to how it applied to the gospel so we just sang a primary song before we sent them to sharing time. It was quite funny.

I've got some super exciting news for this week. President and Sister Stoker are coming to the Dover Branch this Sunday! I AM SO EXCITED! I have never had President Stoker visit the branch that I've been serving in so I am beyond excited. We are having a linger longer after church and are having a corn roast. It's going to be GREAT!

It's week six so transfer calls come on Saturday night. I have no idea if I'm leaving Dover. Many people believe that I will be because I've been here since the end of February, but I could easily see myself staying one more transfer. Only time will tell though! I'll let you know next Monday what is happening!

Thank you all for you love and support! I hope you all have an incredible week! Happy August!
Sister Dixon

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