Monday, August 18, 2014


I am happy to report that I am home! Driving into the green mountain state of Vermont I quickly realized how much I have missed the beautiful place in which I started my mission. It was the place I was born! (in mission terminology). I am serving in Lamoille which borders the Newport area where I started my mission. It is actually pretty neat because I have actually been on exchange to Lamoille three times! I kind of had a little bit of a head start because I have been able to meet a few of the members. Luckily during that time I was very diligent at writing in my journal so I was able to look back and see all the people who I had met when I was here. I was very surprised to see that many of them recognized and remembered me because it had been a year ago that I had been on exchange here! Super exciting. Something else that is exciting is that we are 20 minutes away from the Ben and Jerry's Factory!!!!!!! Sister Demeritt made a stop on our way in from transfer meeting to the factory and treated us to ice cream. Perfect way to start the transfer :)

Not going to lie the week has all been a blur. I feel like this week was three weeks long! It didn't help that I didn't really sleep on Monday night. I learned that it probably isn't the best idea to start packing Monday night at 10pm. Yep I didn't finish packing till about 2am and then had to be up at 330am. Not a good idea!!!!!

My new companion is Sister Blume. She is from Clinton Utah and she is 19 years old. She's been on her mission a little over 4 months. She is a sweetheart!

Being in Lamoille has been great so far! I don't know why it's always referred to as Lamoille because Lamoille is the county. I actually live in Morrisville, but missionaries always refer to this area as Lamoille so that's what I'm used to. I've been able to meet so many great people this week and have already experienced some pretty incredible miracles too. There is one experience that I wanted to share a little more about. My first night in the area was Tuesday. We had just gotten home from visiting people for the night and we realized that we didn't have our phone. Sister Blume's bag had fallen on the floor when we were at the last place that we stopped by. We thought that maybe it had fallen out there. It was already after nine o'clock when we are supposed to be in, but we obviously needed to figure out where our phone was. We walked to the gas station down the road and used their phone to call the Elders. We let them know the situation and then we tried calling the people who's house we were just at. It was there!....But wait there's more! While at the gas station one of the workers asked us who we were and what made us different from other Christian faiths........oh man that is the type of question we love to answer. We were able to tell him a little more about what we believe. Come to find out that his coworker was also a member of the church. And then a man in the store came up and started talking to us and he too a member of the church who hasn't been active for years. Not only that, but I knew and met the less active members dad when I was serving in Newport! Whoah! There is even more to this story. Tuesday night we were a little bit frazzled by everything that was going on so we had failed to get Dustin's information(the one we talked about the church to). We had given him information about the church, but had never gotten his information to follow up with him. Yesterday as we were walking from an appointment to another appointment we had a prompting to knock on a door. No one answered.....we knocked on the neighbors door and they were busy, then we walked across the street to talk to some people who were outside. We started again to venture to our next location. Little did we know that those promptings came because God needed us to walk past the gas station at just the right moment. Right as we were walking past, Dustin was taking the garbage to the dumpster. We were able to talk to him again and get more information from him. He said he is looking for more in life! And boy do we have it! Holy MIRACLE!

I am so very excited to serve here in Lamoille! It was hard to leave Dover, but I know that I am exactly where I need to be.

I love you all and hope you have a very happy week!

New Address
Sister Allison Dixon
P.O. Box 83
Morrisville VT 05661

Sister Dixon

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