Monday, October 27, 2014


It's been an exciting week here in Vermont! 
Monday night we went on exchange.  I stayed in Lamoille and I had to send my baby away to the big bad city of Montpelier.  It was a tough mommy moment for me.  I missed Sister McVey, but sometimes we have to allow our children to experience new things to learn and grow, kind of like how little baby birds need to leave the nest in order to learn how to fly.  She came home with no visible wounds. 
Now jumping right to Wednesday with the intense district meeting we had.  For the past few weeks we've been learning more about the Plan of Salvation.  The in depth discussions we have at our district meetings are some of my favorite memories.  Sister McVey and I couldn't stop talking about the things we talked about in district meeting.  There is so much to learn about the gospel!  It's incredible!
I could do an entire email on the day we had on Thursday!  It started off awesome with a trip up to Montgomery with one of the sisters in the ward.  We had a little get together with a few of the sisters to do visiting teaching.  We met at Sister Bergeron's home.  Sister Bergeron is pretty incredible.  She eats raw vegan, so she treated us with one of her specialties.  Mint ice cream(dairy free and sugar free) with mint chocolate cookies, topped with cherries and chocolate something sauce.  This little dish had more protein in it than most people get in a day!  And boy it was filling.  Who knew eating raw could taste so good? 
Later that night as we were heading out after dinner.  A truck was backing out of a parking spot and didn't see us so he hit the tail light of our car.  It was quite the experience.  Luckily he was super cooperative and felt bad about running into us.  We had to fill out a bunch of paper work to send to the mission office.  Luckily the only damage that was done was that the tail light was cracked.  There was no other body damage to our vehicle or his.

We got to our appointment with the Rodriguez's and it was great.  They have two little boys who both have autism and they are so cute.  Vincent is 5 years old and he was enjoying playing with a little squirt gun when we arrived.  As we were talking he came running past us all and squirted us all down.  Almost instantly after he picks up his blanket and comes and wipes the water off of us.  This routine happened four or five times, it was hilarious.  At least he plays nice! 
Friday we got to help a lady that we volunteer with at Second Chance paint her house.  It was a blast.  After we painted she treated us to dinner at a pizzeria in Johnson.  
Sunday was a pretty awesome day.  Sister McVey and I have been trying to get in with more members so we can help them to have missionary experiences.  We have been praying for ways to accomplish this and Sunday was a huge answer to our prayers.  At church we were swarmed with members who wanted to have us come by their homes.  It was such a neat experience and very evident answer to our prayers.
The challenge for this week is simple, but for me it definitely requires thought and effort; that is to be grateful.  I'm sure somewhere in the past I have done a similar invitation/challenge in regards to being more grateful, but I felt strongly that that is something that I want/need to do better.

"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more."
-Doctrine and Covenant 78:19

I am SO grateful for this gospel and for the great privilege I have being a missionary.  I absolutely LOVE the time I have to spend serving God and the people of New England!

Have a grateful week!

Sister Dixon   

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