Monday, April 21, 2014


      This week has been indescribable! I don't have a ton of time today so I'm going to go straight to the good stuff.
      We had Zone Conference on Tuesday in Bangor and it was incredible! We learned a lot about being better Preach My Gospel missionaries. Elder Ballard's talk in General Conference also hit on how incredible Preach My Gospel is, not just for missionaries, but for members too. One of the young women from the branch who is planning on going on a mission came with us to zone conference which was awesome! The aftermath of Zone Conference is where the good stories come in. Wednesday night we had dinner at the Arnolds and Sister Burton wasn't feeling too well. In the middle of dinner she had to excuse herself to make a run for the bathroom. It was probably the shortest member meal I've ever had.
     The next morning was her Birthday.....well barfday would probably be a little more fitting. She was still super sick and could hardly keep water down. She at least was able to get up long enough to open her presents. Then she was back in bed. I got ready and did my personal studies when it hit me. It came super fast and unexpected but I too lost just about all that I had eaten. Not long after that we got word from several other missionaries of similar symptoms. We found out that both the zones at zone conference were sick, which adds up to about 40 missionaries! We narrowed it down to the pasta salad being the culprit.
All is well now and we are all recovered and back to business.
      Saturday we had a branch activity. It was a Lasagna and Pie bake off. The men make their best lasagnas and the women make their best pies. The missionaries had the privilege of judging this year.....lucky us!
Sunday we had the best Easter ever! Mike and Michele, our off the grid best friends, came to church!!!!!!!!!!! We were beaming! We had a big choir program for Sacrament Meeting and they absolutely loved it. Sister Burton and I taught the 4-5 year olds in primary and we taught Relief Society. It was a very full day! The Spirit was just so strong all day. We had a big Easter dinner with Sister Beth Ellison and her family. Tons of yummy food and good company. At the end of the day I looked back on all that had happened that day and was so filled with gratitude for the many tender mercies of the Lord. We are being so blessed out here. I have never been happier.
        That is all I have time to report for this week, but I want you all to know how much I LOVE being out here and how much I love the gospel. I have never found so much happiness than I have as I have given my all to serving the Lord. I hope you all have a wonderful week, and I hope you had a very happy Easter.

Peace and Blessings,
Sister Dixon

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