Sunday, August 25, 2013


We had another great week here in the NEK (Northeast Kingdom)!  Tuesday night we had an incredible lesson with David and Torre.  We taught the Plan of Salvation; it was probably the best lesson we've had with them.  The spirit was very strong.  We got to paint a barn on Thursday!  Bro. Cubit's uncle has a barn up the road from us and so he asked us to come and help.  It was a lot of fun!  We had dinner with Sister Goodrich who is Brother Cubits sister and a lot of the Cubit clan came too.  This branch is very family oriented.  It felt like we were at a family reunion!  We had a good lesson on the Restoration with our new investigator LeAnn that night.  She is really open to learning more about the Gospel so we are loving being able to teach her.  Friday we had a really fun experience with Illene, who is a member that lives just down the road from us.  We normally see her on Wednesdays but we didn't have time this past week so we told her we would definitely come and see her, we just didn't know exactly what day.  A little background on Illene.  She is in her 70's and is the sweetest lady ever.  She isn't completely there mentally, but she loves the church and the missionaries.  So we walked up to their porch and she was so excited.  She was saying how she had just thought about us and was telling her son Norman that she thought we would show up today and as she was telling him that we walked up.  That just got her so excited so after our little lesson we asked her to say the prayer.  It was one of the best and happiest prayers I have ever heard.  I wish I could have her tone of voice in the email but you'll just have to do your best to imagine it.  She said "Thank you for the missionaries we just love them so much, they are so nice.  I was just thinking about them and WOW they just show up.  That just made my day!"  That prayer brought the biggest smile to my face.  She is so sweet.  Saturday we had another one of those days where you throw your original plans out the window and follow the spirit.  We were planning on going to Island Pond like we normally do but we felt like we needed to go to the Stevens(Craig and Geri) so this is Dean Stevens brothers family.  Craig fell off a roof on Wednesday and crushed his heel and broke three bones in his foot.  We went over to their home and were able to help around the house and also with building the wheelchair ramp they are putting in their home.  Angela one of their daughters who is about 5 years old and is adorable would call us the sister mishimerries.  If that doesn't melt your heart I don't know what would!  Before we went to the Stevens home we were able to see the Cerruttis.  They just moved up here from Montpelier and Gertrude had been taking the missionary discussions while she was there.  The Sandersons knew them so they came with us to visit them.  They are really great and we are going to start teaching her.  Mo, her husband is less active but he really wants to come back to church and knows he can't come back fully unless his wife is with him.  Sunday was incredible!  The Cerruttis and Danielle came to church so that was wonderful.  We got to teach the youngest primary class and it was a lot of fun.  We had dinner with the Stevens (Dean Stevens) Don't worry this is still confusing for me too!  He had invited his friend to come with his wife to have dinner with us and have a Gospel message, but those plans fell through.  We still had a very spiritual Gospel message along with a wonderful dinner and got to spend time with a wonderful family!  I had a really neat experience all day on Sunday.  It's really hard for me to explain through email how I felt but I'll do my best!  All day I had this burning desire inside me to serve the Lord and the people in this area and it filled me with joy that I can't explain.  I just felt complete happiness and joy being a missionary and being able to serve the Lord.  I know that this feeling came because of serving the Lord, and the great thing is is that you don't have to be a missionary to feel this way.  All you have to do is sincerely pray and serve the Lord and I can promise you that you will feel the same happiness.  My testimony of prayer has greatly increased this week.  I realized that I was just in the habit of praying...which isn't necessarily a bad habit to have, but I realized that they were losing sincerity.  I decided to change that this week and I can't even begin to describe the changes the have happened for me personally because I did so.  God is listening and waiting to pour His blessing upon us, all we have to do is sincerely ask. 
I love you all and hope that all is well!
Peace and Blessings from the NEK

Sister Dixon 

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