Monday, December 15, 2014


Well, here it is......the LAST email. I can't believe it....

This past week was an interesting one. We got a lot of crazy weather, which made for a crazy week.
Tuesday was when the craziness began. Tuesday afternoon the snow started.... and kept coming, and kept coming and kept coming. I began to get more and more nervous realizing that there was a good chance our cars would be grounded the next day, which was district meeting. The thought of having my last district meeting cancelled was more than I could handle. We got a message Tuesday night that our district meeting would be postponed until Thursday. Whew!

Although there was a lot of snow, we were still able to talk to a lot of people. We did a lot of walking around, a lot of shoveling, and just enjoyed the beauty of Vermont! It is phenomenal out here. The trees when they are covered with snow are so picturesque! It sounds lame, but it's true!

Fortunately we did make it to district meeting safely on Thursday, and it was wonderful! I love our district, and I have learned so much from all the missionaries serving in it. After we got back from our meeting, we were able to go and help a member paint, and we just had an awesome day.

We had a crazy weekly planning session of Friday so that Sister McVey could feel confident taking over the area. She is going to be amazing, so she really has nothing to worry about.

Saturday was LONG. Transfer call Saturdays are always filled with many emotions. Although we knew a transfer call would come that night, it didn't change the fact that we were anxious and excited. One of the ladies that we volunteer with at second chance invited us over to dinner that night. We had an awesome dinner with her and she invited her neighbors over also. She made us feel very loved.

The transfer call finally came! It was sister McVey's first, and my last. It was quite crazy. Sister McVey is staying in the Lamoille area and is receiving a new companion.....and I am being transferred to Utah......

I have to say that I have been blessed with the best companions. Sister McVey has been such an incredible companion and I feel so fortunate that my last twelve weeks we were able to serve together.

Sunday was a tender mercy in and of itself. I absolutely love the Lamoille Valley Ward. It was such a bitter sweet experience saying goodbye to everyone. I have loved the time I've been able to spend here.

Today is going to be a great day! We are having our district pday. We are all going to the Ben and Jerry's factory, having an ugly sweater party and are making gingerbread houses. It will be a good time!

As missionaries, at the end of our missions we share a golden truth that we have learned. On my mission I have learned this golden truth that will change who I am forever: The Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil. (Moroni 7:16)

Every single person on the earth is born with the ability to know good from evil, to distinguish between darkness and light.

Going back to Moroni 7 "the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night." 

"for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God."
"But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one".

The devil is an enemy to God, and he continuously strives to frustrate the work of God. As a missionary, I have felt this strongly. There is a lot of opposition that comes with serving a mission, but I have come to see in a very real sense that God is infinitely more powerful than Satan, and so are we.

I love this gospel with all my heart and I know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ on the earth. I have never felt so happy and so blessed all my life as I have being a full-time missionary. I know that every single experience I have had on my mission will change who I am forever. I love my God and I love this work. Because of my mission I will never be the same, I will be better. I again want to thank all of you for the love and support you have given me on my mission. I love you all!

See you soon!
Sister Dixon

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