Monday, September 8, 2014


We had an awesome week this week.
Monday we had a BBQ with our Ward Mission Leader, Bro. Peden and his wife. It was a blast. They live in such a beautiful area. So we grilled hamburgers and enjoyed dinner and the beauties of Vermont as we ate at their picnic table in their yard.

Tuesday we had another great day of service at the thrift store we volunteer at. You should be so proud, I haven't bought anything from there for three weeks. I don't think I've paid more than three dollars for anything I've ever bought there.....but still, this is one of the BEST thrift stores EVER! We went to a Bible study that night with Sharon, an awesome girl that recently joined the church. She is going to Johnson State College and she has been part of the Christian Fellowship group for three years and they have a Bible study every Tuesday evening and she invited us to go to it. It was pretty awesome. We'll probably start going regularly. The people there are great!

Wednesday we had our first official lesson with Judy and Josh. We extended the invitation to be baptized and they accepted! Pretty exciting. They came to church again on Sunday and loved it. Josh even joined the choir.

We had a great day Thursday doing service for one of the members. We helped rip off wall paper on a house they are getting ready to move into. It was great!

Friday was also awesome! Sister Considine told us about a First Friday event that happens the first Friday of every month in her town. She got it all set up so that we could do a family history booth. It was great! We got it all set up and it was perfect because she knew EVERYBODY!!! It made it so much better because a lot more people stopped by because there was a familiar face. A funny part of this event was that when we were told where we could set up, we realized that they put us right next to missionaries from another church. It all went well though and they were extremely nice!

Saturday and Sunday were a solid days filled with appointments and lots of great experiences. We were visiting one of our investigators, Jean on Sunday night and she said she had a surprise for me! She loves to give each missionary something unique as a gift. I think I got the best gift yet..... I got a cat food bag! ha ha it is probably the BEST thing I have ever seen. She saw a lady that was selling bags that were made out of the heavy duty cat food bags. She saw one that was blue and thought of me! I feel so loved here.
It kills me to see how fast time is flying by. I can hardly believe it. I feel like I just got to Lamoille and now we are less than two weeks away from the end of the transfer!

We have so many great things to look forward to this week! I hope you all have an awesome week and know how much I love you!

Keep being amazing!
Love Sister Dixon

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