Monday, June 30, 2014


Happy New Transfer!
I love fresh starts and new goals! I am super excited that I have another transfer In Dover with Sister Danner. I have very high hopes for what will occur the next six weeks.

A lot happened this past week! We experienced countless miracles and tender mercies. I don't have my planner with me because we are on a new transfer now so I have a new planner, but I will try and mention the big things that happened this week. I think I'll do something similar to last weeks email by sharing some simple random stories and experiences that happened throughout the week.

The first experience I want to share was our experience at church. One of the Elders serving in the branch is going home tomorrow so he asked if he could speak in church his final Sunday. Because he wanted to speak, our Branch President figured why not have all the missionaries speak. So that is exactly what happened. We were all asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting. President Clukey didn't assign us specific topics to speak on, he simply said go by the Spirit. I gained a lot more sympathy for the general authorities who address us in General Conference. it is not easy trying to figure out what to speak on with really no topic or idea. I prayed so hard all week for ideas of what to share with our Branch that they need this week. I couldn't seem to come up with anything. Randomly the title to a talk came to my mind that I didn't even remember what it was about. I didn't know why this talk came to my mind, but I decided to just run with it. The talk was actually a First Presidency Message given in the July 2012 Ensign by President Uchtdorf titled "In The Middle". The gist of the talk was how we are all in the middle of our eternal journey. I didn't know exactly why I felt impressed to share it, but I just prayed that someone in the congregation would benefit from hearing it. The whole Sacrament Meeting was pretty incredible. It was very neat to hear what the other missionaries were inspired to share. Later that day one of the members called me and Sister Danner and told us how much she appreciated our talks and how they were specific answers to her prayers.

I don't have time to mention much more from the week because the library is filling up quickly and I might not have access to the computer much longer, but I want you all to know how grateful I am for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I love and treasure every moment of my mission and am so grateful for the experiences that I have each and every day.

I hope you all have a great week and a wonderful 4th of July!

Peace and Blessings from Maine!
Sister Dixon :)

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