Monday, March 31, 2014


This week has been pretty eventful!
As I mentioned last week we started volunteering at PAWS. We did that Tuesday morning and it was pretty great ha ha. So PAWS is a "free roaming" cat shelter, so basically the cats run the house....literally. There are about eighty cats total. We cleaned the Scared-y Cat room. It was pretty funny! All the cats in that room were very skiddish. That afternoon we went to Sister Picott's and made egg rolls with her and her daughter for the Relief Society Birthday party. The party was a blast. We had a pot luck dinner and an auction. We auctioned off a "Fun Filled FHE With the Sister Missionaries". We were sold for $186! Wohoo!
Wednesday we helped Sister Hilton move, and we got to do service on a dairy farm! The Bissell family in our ward runs a huge dairy farm so we and the Elders got to go and help on Wednesday. It was a blast, and my rubber boots came in handy!
Thursday we saw a lot of members which was awesome! It's so fun to get to know the branch better. I can't believe we are on week six of the transfer already! I feel like I just got here!
Saturday was super great! It finally felt like Spring. It got up to 40 degrees! People were walking around in short sleeves and ice cream shops opened up! I even saw a patch of grass!

The patch of grass!
Sister Harmon took us to dinner at the Nor Easter restaurant and then we rode down the the Women's General Meeting in Bangor with Sister Bissell. The broadcast was incredible! It makes me so excited for General Conference. Unfortunately the delightful 40 degree Spring weather didn't last long. We woke up Sunday morning to freezing rain. It took us a good while to get to church and not many people were able to make it because the storm was so bad. We were lucky because we drove behind a snow plow the whole way. They held Sacrament meeting and cancelled the rest of church and told everybody to go home. When I heard it was 75 degrees in Utah I thought....."That's not a bad idea". Ha ha ha, so if you'd please send out some Utah sun, that would be great! Everyone has said that this has been an unusual winter. It's funny because every time I write the date I instinctively start to put January, because that's what it looks and feels like. It's hard to believe that April is here. Time has been flying by!!!
I want to share a neat little story of something that happened on Saturday. We had just gotten dropped back off at the church after the broadcast and it was a little after ten o'clok. We were driving back home and I remembered the time that I was driving back to Snow College when I hit Bambi. I instinctively slowed down as I remembered that not so joyous memory and not even ten seconds later I saw a deer in the road. Because I had reduced my speed I had plenty of time to slow down so that Bambi II could have time to get out of the road. It was really neat because I didn't get this big prompting to slow down, I was just reminded of my past experience. God works in mysterious ways.
I hope you all make the time to watch General Conference this week, because it will change your life!

Peace and Blessings from the Frozen Chosen

Sister Dixon

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